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Monday, June 1 - Grade 3

Grade 3 Math

Math Review:


-by 4

-by 5

Grade 3 Language

Reading and Responding

This week you will be using Epic Reading for your stories. Your novel for this week is in your mailbox.

Before you read, flip through the book.  What are some of the things you notice?  Is all the writing the same, all the way through?  Are there pictures, what stories do the pictures tell?

Before you read:  Write down what you think will happen in this story.

What clues make you think this?

Read pages 1 - 34.

After you read: write a little about Joey, and how he acts around Mallory.

Write about Pamela, and how she is with Mallory.

Which friend is better right now?  Why do you say so?


[Paper with picture] [paper without]


The focus for June will be on journal writing.

They can choose an idea of their own, or one from one of these calendars.  For organizational purposes, these can be downloaded, and the ideas can be crossed off as they are used (that way you don't have to do them in order:

Calendar 1

Calendar 2

Grade 3s should be able to write about 3 journal entries a week.  Journals can be about day to day things, ideas, opinions, reminiscences, even creative stories.

By this time of year, include:

- 75 or more words

- correct use of capitals, periods, quotation marks, etc.  

- adding details to ideas to make them more interesting. (example.  I like my dog, mostly because he is so funny.  He does some pretty ridiculous things, like sleeping with his nose pointing right at the floor, and gasping when he is asked to behave.  One time, when he was a puppy, he climbed a woman who bent down to pet him, and stole her glasses!)


Tuesday, June 2

Grade 3 Language

Reading and Responding

For the rest of the week you will read your  novel. It will be in your mailbox at Epic Reading )

Read pages  35 - 73


What is a "street friend?"  Do you have friends like that?  Do you have a friend that is nice to you in the neighbourhood, and doesn't even talk to you at school?

Or, maybe you are a "street friend."   Do you play with a younger person on your street, but your school friends, at school?


Find the following words in your book. 

collage,  page 50

prediction,  page 52

proclaim, page 53

automatic, page 54

Click on the definition. 

Use your notebook or a piece of paper.

1. Write the word.  

2. On a new line, write what it means.

3.  On a new line, use it in a sentence.



A tall plant with bark, branches and leaves.

I climbed to the top of my tree to see the view.


Weekly Top 10 List  


[Paper with picture] [paper without]

Grade 3 Math

Geometric Shapes Quiz

Use the shapes printout and the card maker printout.  Make at least 12 cards (2 pages of the print-out)

Glue the shapes on one side.

On the same side, have at least 3 clues for a riddle.  Start a new line for each clue:


I have four sides

I have four corners

Two of my sides are the same size

Two of my sides are not the same size

but are parallel.

What am I?

I have one line

I have no straight lines

I am not a circle

I look like an egg

What am I?

Game: Deal the cards out face down.  (For Social Distancing in class, each keep your own set)  Conceal the card in your hand when reading the clues out. 


Only ONE guess for each clue, or you automatically lose your turn.

Scoring: Guess the first clue 3

Guess by the second clue 2

Guess by the third and rest of clues 1


Wednesday, June 3


Reading and Responding

 Keep reading your novel from Epic Reading.

Read pages 74 - 108

On pages 90 - 91, Mallory writes an article called "How to Get Your Cat to Nap."

Think about a "How To" topic you could write.  It could be a hobby, or sport you play, it could be a recipe you can make by yourself (maybe a special dessert, or what you make yourself for breakfast), it could be a chore (garbage, feed the pet), or even self care (getting dressed, brushing your teeth."

Use this frame to help your thinking, and write your own "How To"


Journal 2 - choose another topic from the two calendars (see Monday), or come up with a topic of your choice.

[Paper with picture] [paper without]


Geometric Shapes build a picture

Use the shapes printout.

Trace or cut shapes out (better, as they can lay down the shapes, and plan more easily), include many as you can in your picture.

At the bottom of the picture, include a sketch and a name for each shape you used.

Thursday, June 4 - will be uploaded 8:00 am Thurs.


Geometric Shapes Quiz Cards:

Either play a game using the cards from Tuesday, or use the Geometrics Solids set, or both!

Example of a clue using a solid:

I have square faces

I have 6 faces

I have 8 corners

I have 12 edges

People use me to roll for numbers

What am I?

I have no edges

I have one curved face

I have no corners

I can be used as a toy.

What am I?


Reading and Responding

Read pages 109 - 148


Mallory is very upset in these chapters.  Does she have a good reason?

What good things are happening in her life?  Is she seeing the good, or only the bad?

Was her behaviour at the show fair?

Explain your idea.

How do Mary Ann and Pamela both show they are good friends?  How do they help Mallory?


Letter of the week

Use the letter form to write a letter to someone who does not live in your house.

Start by reading the example letter, then write your own.  Included:

- Dear ________

- a greeting and a question

- the body - some of the things you have been doing, how you felt about those things, and who you were doing them with.

- Ending (I hope we can speak again, soon, or, I look forward to seeing you on Facetime, or, anything you would like to say as part of the good-bye in your letter.)

- Sign-off   Yours Truly, (name)

[Paper with picture] [paper without]


Friday, June 5


Reading and Responding

Finish your book.

Were you satisfied with the ending? 

If you had to finish this sentence:

Mallory's problem for the whole book was ____________. 

How would you finish it?

Use this activity to reflect on the book.


Journal # 3

[Paper with picture] [paper without]


Shapes patterning

Use the shapes bank to create a repeated pattern.

The Core:

The pattern must have at least 3 shapes in it, it could include two of the same shape.

It must have a different colour on each type of shape, but the same colour for all of the same shape.

The Pattern:

The pattern must repeat three times.


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